
Free online 'Introduction to LaTeX' course - Part 3

The third part in our free online LaTeX course is now available! Originally presented at Bristol University by our very own Dr John Lees-Miller, the course includes a series of interactive exercises for you to complete online using writeLaTeX as you progress through the slides.

In these slides we go beyond using LaTeX for writing papers, and cover the following main topics:

  • Presentations with Beamer
  • Drawings with TikZ
  • Notes with todonotes

and conclude with a brief look at spreadsheets with spreadtab.

We also begin here with a recap of the LaTeX basics, so if you haven't completed Parts 1 and 2 you can still work through these slides (although we recommend completing the whole course!).

Intro to LaTeX Part 3 Cover
Amazing things you've done with LaTeX
Arun WriteLaTeX Tweet Screenshot

This tweet by @arunsethuraman prompted many of you to share your experiences using LaTeX - in this blog post we've brought together a selection of our favourites to share!

Thanks everyone - MakeUseOf features WriteLaTeX (again)!

If you were using writeLaTeX in 2012, you may recall that on Christmas Day we were featured in a review at It looks like we've been picked up by their radar again - writeLaTeX features on today's "Cool Websites and Tools" post!

WriteLaTeX on MakeUseOf screenshot
Five LaTeX templates for IEEE journals and conferences

The IEEE provides guidelines and templates for the preparation of papers and presentations for their conference proceedings.

We've pre-loaded five standard uses of the IEEE style into writeLaTeX to help you get started.

Advanced Demo Screenshot
WriteLaTeX for Research
Mikhail Klassen photo

Guest blog post by Mikhail Klassen

When I started graduate school in 2009, I was looking for a good way to keep track of my research progress. I knew it was very important to keep a research notebook, but I didn't know what was the best way of doing this.

In 2010, I started compiling regular notes in a special folder on my desktop. Before long I needed a system to organize them all. A system eventually came together, but it wasn't perfect. Worst of all, I couldn't share my system very easily with others. People saw my LaTeX research diary system, mumbled “That’s cool”, but only a few other geeks started using it.

In 2012, I discovered WriteLaTeX, which changes everything.

Klassen Research Diary Screenshot