
STEM Fellowship & Overleaf Empowering Early Career Researchers
By Shelly Miller

Overleaf was recently introduced to an amazing organization - the STEM Fellowship - which is led by STEM students, for STEM students. We are proud to support the STEM Fellowship organization, based in Toronto, Canada, in their efforts to reach out to undergraduate and high school students through events such as the Big Data Challenge (BDC) and Editing 101 scholarly writing workshops.

Preprints are on the rise, and they're gaining in popularity on Overleaf! Here's how it works...
By Mary Anne Baynes

Did you know that you can easily upload your document to multiple preprint servers and repositories, directly from your document in Overleaf? No? Find out how below...

Submitting to pre-print servers from Overleaf

Join the upcoming Collaboration Webinar on April 6th 2017
By Mary Anne Baynes
Digital Science Webinar banner

Tune into the latest Digital Science webinar, “The Connected Culture of Collaboration” on Thursday 6th April at 4pm BST / 11am ET.

Overleaf Product Update: Read-only invites and Chapter/Part folding
By Ryan Looney

We’re always working to make Overleaf better by introducing new features and improving existing ones. Here are a couple of recent updates that we released this month:

Code-folding of chapters and parts on Overleaf

Thanks for making #FuturePub 10 awesome :)
By John Hammersley
Collaboration network visualization animation by Ian Calvert

Monday night was definitely a night for cool graphs!

A huge thank you to everyone who attended #FuturePub 10 on Monday for making it such a great event – it was the largest crowd we've ever had at #FuturePub, and I've never seen the pizza go so fast!