
Overleaf Product Update: Read-only invites and Chapter/Part folding

By Ryan Looney

We’re always working to make Overleaf better by introducing new features and improving existing ones. Here are a couple of recent updates that we released this month.

Invite collaborators with either read-only or read-and-edit access

Protected Projects, available to Pro and Pro+Teach users, allow advanced access control – only collaborators you specifically invite by email address have access to your project. Now, you can also specify the access level for your collaborators. When you invite a collaborator, select whether they should have read only access, or full edit access:

Read-only invites

We're also working on a PDF-only sharing mode, so you can share the latest PDF of your project through Overleaf for commenting, without also sharing the source code. More on that later in the year!

Chapter and part folding

We recently introduced code folding for sections and subsections, and we've now introduced it for chapters and parts, as well. Fold a part, and all the chapters and sections within the part are hidden away until you unfold.

Code-folding of chapters and parts on Overleaf

You can also find new 'Collapse all' and 'Uncollapse all' buttons in the editor bar to easily fold up or unfold your document all in one go:

Read-only invites

There were many other minor improvements behind the scenes this month, and we have some more product updates coming soon, so stay tuned!

Ryan Looney

Ryan Looney

Client Services Manager

I'm committed to making the world a better place by connecting scientists and researchers with the tools they need. Avid reader, lifelong learner, slow but joyful runner.