
Introducing Flooved - an open educational resource repository for maths and physics

We're excited to launch our third open access partnership - step forward!

Flooved homepage screenshot

Flooved is a maths and physics open educational resources repository which uses existing lecture notes, proto-textbooks and study guides, and turns them into online interactive resources.

It's a great way for professors to share their work and for students to find what they need. Students and professors can then make notes, study collaboratively and ask questions to each other around the content.

As part of the partnership, writeLaTeX users can now submit their work directly to Flooved via the 'publish' menu in the editor:

Flooved publish screenshot

After submitting content, Flooved will then review it within a couple of days and it will not be pushed live until both the author and Flooved agree to do so. For further information please see the Flooved licensing terms.

To help you easily create and collaborate on LaTeX documents for your homework & projects (or course notes if you're a professor), users of Flooved can now access our editor with just one click, via the writeLaTeX button on your Flooved sidebar:

Flooved user page screenshot

We hope you find this new service useful, and if you have any questions or queries regarding Flooved please feel free to email them to