
Tip of the Week: Overleaf v2 Autocompile

By Ryan Looney

This is the first in a series of tips highlighting features available in Overleaf v2. If you'd like to try v2 yourself, the beta is now open to the public at

Autocompile is available in Overleaf v2! This is a new feature for those who have been using ShareLaTeX, and a familiar one for Overleaf users.

Autocompile is off by default, and you can easily turn it on by clicking the down arrow next to the Recompile button, and selecting it from the menu. In addition to simply toggling it on and off, you also have the option to recompile in draft mode, for faster compiling while you write.

Selecting Autocompile on and draft mode in Overleaf v2

For more information about Overleaf v2, view our help article at

Ryan Looney

Ryan Looney

Client Services Manager

I'm committed to making the world a better place by connecting scientists and researchers with the tools they need. Avid reader, lifelong learner, slow but joyful runner.