
New: Full History Service for Pro/Pro+ Users!

By Ryan Looney

Pro and Pro+ users now have access to our full history service!

The full history service automatically saves all changes made to your project, without having to stop to label a version. Click the History & Revisions button to access the project history.

Overleaf Full History Service

There are two ways to view your full project history. You can view a list of all changes to the project by clicking the Recent Activity link, or you can click the Timeline link to more easily navigate to changes based on the date they were made. Click Labelled Versions to return to the list of saved versions.

Recent Activity shows all changes that were made, and who made them.

Hover over the user or the date on the left, and more information about the user or date appears.

Hover over the user or date for a tooltip

To return to what your project was like immediately before or after a certain change was made, click the Before or After link to view the source code for your document before or after changes were made. Now you can copy the source code, and paste it into your document.

View source before and after changes

Files that were uploaded or deleted also show up in the project’s history. If you’ve deleted a file, you can even retrieve it by clicking on it to download it.

Click to download files in the history

In the Timeline view, there’s a graphical representation of what changes were made, and who made them. You can scroll to a point in time, or you can change the date range at the top to find a particular change if you know when it was made. The Zoom icon allows you to zoom in to see more details about changes.

Zoom in on timeline view for more detail

To navigate directly to a specific date range, click the selected date range, and select the desired date range.

Change timeline date range

All users, even those on free plans, can still label and save versions to compare changes between versions, and restore previous versions. You can learn more about that at

We hope you like this new feature available on Pro/Pro+ plans. If you’re not already on a Pro/Pro+ plan, you can find out how to upgrade at

Ryan Looney

Ryan Looney

Client Services Manager

I'm committed to making the world a better place by connecting scientists and researchers with the tools they need. Avid reader, lifelong learner, slow but joyful runner.