
Photos from #OpenCon2014 London

By John Hammersley
OpenCon 2014: London photo

It's just over a week since we held OpenCon 2014: London at Imperial, and the photos are now online! Check out the slideshow below:

Please let me know if you have any you'd like to add! You can also read an excellent summary of the event by our co-hosts Sparrho, and see videos of all the talks on the Digital Science YouTube channel.

For those that missed it, OpenCon 2014 is the student and early career researcher conference on Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data. Our London event was held at Imperial College on November 26th, with an excellent line up of speakers, and discussions continuing in the Gloucester Arms long into the evening. We're looking forward to being part of OpenCon 2015, and in the meantime...

#FuturePub 4 is coming!

FuturePub 4 banner Overleaf Writelatex

If you're interested in the latest developments in science and publishing tech, join us on January 27th in London for an evening of at our fourth #FuturePub event! It's going to be bigger than ever, as we're once again teaming up with Scholarly Social and London Open Drinks to bring you a triple-header of talks, drinks, and socializing!

Reserve your free ticket today

John Hammersley

Co-founder, CEO

Mathematician; physicist; dancer. Entrepreneur; founder; CEO. Co-founder of Overleaf. Did driverless taxis at Ultra PRT. Forever learning :)