
New build options available on writeLaTeX - compile with LuaLaTeX or LaTeX + dvipdf

By John Lees-Miller

To broaden our support for new packages and advances in TeX engines, we've now added two new build options to writeLaTeX - on top of the pdfLaTeX and XeLaTeX options you can also now choose LuaLaTeX or simply plain LaTeX + dvipdf.

In most cases we will automatically detect the right option to use, but if you'd like to specify it manually you can; simply go to the settings menu in the editor (by clicking the gear icon in the top right), and choose your preferred compilation engine in the 'advanced build options' section.

Writelatex build options example screenshot

Happy TeXing!

John Lees-Miller

Co-founder, CTO

Computer scientist, mathematician and co-founder of Overleaf. I make things that work.