Templates — F1000Research - Official Templates

Templates tagged F1000Research - Official Templates
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These are the official templates provided by F1000Research for authors preparing LaTeX submissions to their platform. Overleaf has partnered with F1000Research to make the publication process as simple and streamlined as possible for authors and editors alike.

Once your article is ready to be submitted, simply click the 'Submit to F1000Research' button from within Overelaf to submit your manuscript in a few quick steps. You'll receive an immediate notification confirming your submission, and Overleaf is directly integrated into the F1000Research editorial process which follows. Upon receiving your submission, their editors will efficiently review your article, and provide comments and suggested amendments back to you to review within Overleaf. Once you've made any changes, simply click to resubmit.

To find out more about how this integration is benefiting authors and editors alike, please take a look at this recent case study in which Michela and Tom from F1000Research discuss their experiences and those of the authors who've submitted papers through Overleaf.

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