Templates — Center for Open Science

Templates tagged Center for Open Science
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The Center for Open Science's mission is to increase the openness, integrity, and reproducibility of scholarly research. They work on ways to make the process, content, and outcomes of research openly accessible for others to discuss and build on. One of their initiatives is the Open Science Framework, which supports a growing number of scholarly preprint servers and repositories.

Templates with submission links to those repositories can be found below. If you are launching a new preprint server on the OSF and would like a template and submission link set up on Overleaf, please get in touch – we'd love to hear from you!

We've been working with the Center for Open Science since 2016, and the initial launch of the submission links to the engRxiv and SocArXiv saw a great response from the community, with four submissions in the first three weeks. Since then, the popularity of preprints has continued to rise, and they are growing into an increasingly important part of accessibility and openness in science, across many different fields.

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