
Tip of the Week: Use Tags to Organize Your Dashboard
By Ryan Looney

Did you know you can organize your Project Dashboard with tags?

gif demonstrating tagging

Strategies for Funding Scholarly Authorship Services on your Campus
Helen B. Josephine, Solution Specialist at Overleaf

Many activities in the classroom, the lab, and the research group intersect with the library and the resources provided by the library budget. Students, faculty and researchers use an amazing array of online resources—e-books, journals, conference proceedings, datasets, complex databases—usually funded by the university library. But what about the scholarly tools needed to analyze, write, publish and archive the results of the research completed? Which budget supports the analytic software for social scientists, the GIS software to map data, the authoring software to format articles, the supplies for the 3D printer lab? In this article Helen Josephine explores the options for libraries to partner with other campus departments and units to fund the tools and services needed to support today’s digital scholarly environment.

Continuum of library involvement in the provision of information tools and resources

Case Study: An Introduction to Code Ocean—Creating and Uploading Content into Overleaf
By Graham Douglas

Code Ocean is a cloud-based computational reproducibility platform that provides researchers and developers with an easy way to share, discover and run code published in academic journals and conferences.

In this Case Study article we show how files produced by algorithms and projects published on Code Ocean can be uploaded into an Overleaf LaTeX document. We also demonstrate that Code Ocean can be used as an external platform for producing a wide range of programmatically-generated content specifically for use within Overleaf LaTeX documents.

Code Ocean output in an Overleaf project

Tip of the Week: Working Offline with Git
By Ryan Looney Did you know you can work offline and use Git to sync your files?
test file for Git

Tip of the Week: Add a Template to the Gallery
By Ryan Looney

Did you know you can create your own LaTeX template in Overleaf?

Overleaf templates page