
Mendeley integration is here! Import your Mendeley reference library into Overleaf

By John Lees-Miller
Mendeley API add BibTeX support feedback screenshot

Update (July 4 2016): You can now link Mendeley Groups: find out more here!

Update: Press Release now available to download (pdf).

It’s here! The feature you've been asking for since we first launched our bibliography manager integration in September. You can now import your reference library directly from Mendeley to Overleaf (formerly writeLaTeX), to make it easy to manage your references and citations in your projects.

This is thanks to a concerted effort from our development team – Tim Alby in particular – and the Mendeley API team with whom we’ve been working in order to refine and improve the BibTeX output from the API.

To see how it works, check out the illustrated guide below.

Using the new Mendeley reference importer in Overleaf

How does it work? It’s very simple – from the project menu in the editor select Add files -> Add bibliography, which brings up the bibliography import screen:

Overleaf Writelatex Mendeley reference bibliography import screenshot 1

Overleaf Writelatex Mendeley reference bibliography import screenshot 2

The first time you do this, you’ll be prompted to connect your Mendeley account with your Overleaf account:

Overleaf Writelatex Mendeley reference bibliography import screenshot 3

And then to authorize this on the Mendeley website:

Overleaf Writelatex Mendeley reference bibliography import screenshot 4

Once the accounts are linked, all you need to do is choose a name for the Mendeley bibliography file in the project:

Overleaf Writelatex Mendeley reference bibliography import screenshot 5

Once the file has been uploaded into the project, you can use it with BibTeX in the usual way:

Overleaf Writelatex Mendeley reference bibliography import screenshot 6

If you add more references to your Mendeley library, you can refresh the link to pull in the new .bib content (and the file can also be refreshed via the project menu). If you haven't tried it, you should also check out our citation autocomplete feature. Happy TeXing!

John Lees-Miller

Co-founder, CTO

Computer scientist, mathematician and co-founder of Overleaf. I make things that work.